
Page Links: |Welcome| |About Us| |Report a Sighting| |Membership Application| |Privacy| |Contact Us| |Sponsors|

Welcome to our website, we hope you find it interesting and informative.

A barn owl pauses on a tree stump
Photo: Ian Jones
Our aims with this website are to:

  • Highlight the problems facing barn owls.
    • These are many, they are highlighted in the “Survival” section.
  • Describe this unique owl.
    • The identifying fetaures and special adaptions possessed by the barn owl are described in the “Barn Owls” section.
  • Show what we are doing.
    • We are proud to say quite a lot. Much of what we are doing can be discovered in the “About Us” section. We also have some other projects running, in particular a radio tracking project which we are reporting in the “Tracking Project” section.
  • Encourage others to help too.
    • Just about everyone can do something,
    • farmers and landowners can provide homes and habitat,
    • everyone that sees a barn owl (dead or alive) can let us know so that we can keep accurate records,
    • get involved with our group, become a member or just make a donation.
  • Provide a discussion area for matters related to the barn owl.
    • Communication and information sharing is good, it promotes better understanding, new ideas and liaison between all interested in barn owl conservation.

All information on this site has been checked and is believed accurate. It is published in good faith, however no liability whatsoever will be accepted.

All photographs at nest sites have been taken under licence.



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